The Proposal
The proposal seeks to demolish the existing buildings and redevelop the site to create a new hall and community space on the ground floor and basement, together with residential accommodation on the upper floors. It follows a similar concept to the neighbouring site, with the building set around a courtyard. The landscaped courtyard forms a focus for the mixed use building opening views southwards towards the new development; unlocking the potential of this currently inward looking site.
The building uses a simple material quality to compliment the neighbouring buildings, London Stocks brickwork together with Zinc roof tiles provide a simple yet contemporary palette of materials. Deeply set aluminium windows, together with brickwork detailing will provide a subtle layer of contemporary detail to the structure.
The site is in an area with a high Ptal rating, we would anticipate that on-site parking would only be required for disabled users, ground floor flat G.01 M4(3) and the hall.
The proposal is set around a landscaped courtyard of high quality paving and planting, the new footprint occupies 300 sqm compared to the existing 440 sqm, allowing for improved external spaces and landscaping.
It provides nine flats in-line with the Nationally described space standards and the London Plan, M4(3) accommodation on the ground floor, including external amenity space, private and shared; gardens and balconies.